The Duke Through The Ages

What do you do when you need to set the scene but have no images available?

The Duke of Richmond are hosting an immersive dining experience and asked us to help set the scene with the promotional materials.

Part of Guernsey’s Heritage festival, the evening explores the Duke of Richmond’s rich history, starting with a reenactment of Guernsey’s last duel which took place just outside in Cambridge Park.

Obviously, there are no photographs of the event available, so how do you create promotional materials that truly evoke the era?

We tracked down an engraving of the hotel that was originally on the site, back in the 1800’s and overlaid it with a deep red to represent the military tunics worn by the duellers and the blood that was spilt. Pistol cut outs add to the drama and a decorative font completes the picture.

We loved working on it and the event looks set to be a fun and interesting evening – tickets may still be available!

Click here for tickets and further information.